Choose your DIB-CARD™:
The Professional DIB-CARD:
Choose "The Professional DIB-CARD" to promote yourself and the company you are working for. Beside your contact details and job title, you can add the company you work for (name and logo). You can also add social media links and products & services videos. Recrutement and promotions can be added too! Register for free for 12 months!
The Business DIB-CARD:
Choose "The Business DIB-CARD" to promote your activities and/or trade. You can add business details, products & services. Your employees can use "The Professional DIB-CARD" to increase both their and your digital presence. Registration is only 25 US$ or 22€50 or £20 per year and per business!
[See example] or [Start here]
The Enterprise DIB-CARD:
Choose "The Entreprise DIB-CARD" if you have more than one business or multiple activities. Each business can have a "Business DIB-CARD" entry to maximise your marketing exposure. Registration is only 50 US$ or 45€ or £40 per year and per enterprise!
[See example] or [Start here]
The Personal DIB-CARD:
Choose "The Personal DIB-CARD" to create a vibrant identity for you social media as influencer, to stand out in your job search or to share your passions with people of similar interests. Registration is free! forever!
[See example] or [Start here]
The Charity DIB-CARD:
Choose "The Charity DIB-CARD" for all volonteering activities to promote your cause. Registration is free! forever!
[See example] or [Start here]